Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs is a national charity which supports anyone affected by someone else’s alcohol or drug use in Scotland.
Teen Challenge aim to help the vulnerable and socially marginalised to overcome life controlling problems as they address mental, social, emotional, physical and spiritual issues.
The Haven Kilmacolm is a registered charity and housing support service which has been in existence for over 30 years working to provide support and accommodation for men from the age of 18 with drug and alcohol abuse issues to help them become free from their addiction.
Moving On Inverclyde is a Centre of Excellence, providing a recovery support service for people affected by their own or another’s problematic use of alcohol or drugs. We have been providing services in Inverclyde since 2002.
SAMH (Scottish Action for Mental Health) Gateways is commissioned by Inverclyde HSCP and delivers supports to people age 16 and over who live within Inverclyde and experience varying levels of mental health issues.
Street Connect offers hope that can lead to life transformation for individuals strugging with addiction and associated issues such as homelessness and poor mental health.
Turning Point Scotland works closely with Inverclyde’s Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service to provide access to treatment through the Residential Rehab Pathway.