Turning Point Scotland (TPS) and Inverclyde’s Addiction Liaison Team within Inverclyde Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service (ADRS) are working collaboratively to deliver the Residential Rehabilitation Pathway in Inverclyde to improve access as a treatment option as a key part of the National Drugs Mission to save and improve lives.
Our team will work with an individual to support them towards a residential rehab placement having assessed their suitability. During this time, we will consider every aspect relevant to each person’s own situation including:
- Accessibility – what is available at that time to meet the individuals needs
- Resourcing and demand – how this will be funded and what impacts that may have for the individual if any (e.g. housing)
- Pre-rehab phase – what support and structures need to be in place ahead of going to rehab. What preparatory work needs to be done etc and referring to community-based recovery services if appropriate.
- Rehab phase pathway - Ongoing support during their time whilst in rehab
- Post-rehab pathway – aftercare support, including access to community-based recovery services
The support we provide is always person centred, we do this by involving people who know the person well, this includes family and friends, other health and Social Work professionals, Advocacy services and our own staff members.
Referrals to this service can be made through your ADRS Worker, or Third Sector organisations such as recovery services or personal support programmes within Inverclyde. You can also self-refer through contacting us via email or phone (call or text).