Moving On Inverclyde
Moving On Inverclyde is a Centre of Excellence, providing a recovery support service for people affected by their own or another’s problematic use of alcohol or drugs. We have been providing services in Inverclyde since 2002.
We believe everyone has the potential to rebuild their lives and reshape their futures. We also understand those accessing our service may have other difficulties or situations requiring support besides their recovery. This is why we have a full and robust package of support available through our partnerships and collaborations with local services to empower and enable a successful recovery.
Moving On offers a 26 week, 4-phase modular Recovery programme including 6 months aftercare support – FREE to anyone living in Inverclyde.
Each phase has its own purpose and theme, and individuals can access and leave at any point relevant to their own journey. In addition to this, we have various physical and mental health and wellbeing activities available to everyone. Our aim is that everyone leaving us, does so with a focus on next steps, whether this is better relationships, education, volunteering, or employment.
What we offer
One to one support, group support and individual key working, all of which are CBT focused. You can also access trauma resources and CBT trauma counselling, acu-detox acupuncture, SMART Recovery meetings and access to gym and other fitness activities. In addition, we offer CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) and SMART Family and friends Meetings. We also offer a specific community justice recovery programme to support those with an offending background, or who at risk of this because of their problematic substance use.
Referrals can be made by services or directly.

Contact details
- Moving On Inverclyde, Kingston House, 3 Jamaica Street, Greenock, PA15 1XX
- 01475 735 200