The Jericho Society has two separate residential rehabilitation Houses in Greenock, an 18 bed Unit for men and a 10 bed unit for women who suffer from addiction. The Jericho House programme has evolved over a period of almost 40 years.
This evolution has involved discernment, by staff, of what has been beneficial to service users and also what has not worked in previous abstinence based rehabilitation centers they have worked in. All staff are trained in accordance with Recovery Oriented Systems of Care and we are fully accountable to the ROSC framework, MAT standards and our National Strategy, ‘Rights, Respect and Recovery’. We work in a Person Centred manner so there is no time limit designated as people take variable lengths of time to address their underlying issues, including Trauma.
Although not affiliated with Narcotics Anonymous, service users are encouraged to attend meetings and also adopt the altruistic way of life available there, by working through a Trauma Informed 12 Step Programme. Our abstinence based House programme has an emphasis on personal responsibility. We recognize that addiction has selfishness and self-centeredness at its core and that drug use is only one of many symptoms. The group work has a structured process encompassing ‘Problem – Solution – Action’. Conflict resolution has priority as we believe that personal recovery is dependent on House unity.
We also facilitate a weekly Family Support Group in Port Glasgow Town Hall, where our residents from both Houses, their families and any family members from the surrounding communities, attend together for support and to address co-dependence.
All staff have Lived Experience of Addiction and Recovery and most have Rehabilitated in a Jericho House. We all have the relevant qualifications including the ‘Seeking Safety’ model of working with Trauma and Substance Misuse. We also have an EMDR specialist to work with PTSD and/or Complex Multiple Trauma.
Outcomes for Continuous Total Abstinence from all drugs including Alcohol over the past 21 years are 68% for those that complete the House Programme, and follow an Aftercare Plan

Men's Housing
- 01475 741 950
Women's Housing
- 01475 742 383