The Haven Kilmacolm
The Haven Kilmacolm is a registered charity and housing support service which has been in existence for over 30 years working to provide support and accommodation for men from the age of 18 with drug and alcohol abuse issues to help them become free from their addiction. We are an abstinence programme and are able to accommodate up to 24 men at a time between four different stages.
We are a Christian faith based organisation and work with the vulnerable and often marginalised men in order to give them an opportunity to have a more positive future. We believe that every individual has value and worth and has the capacity to turn their life around with the right support. We have a structured programme which lasts for 10 months, after which there is an option to stay on for a further 6 months when we provide further support in integrating back into society with options including further training, study or work experience.
By providing holistic, needs-led support to our service users that is tailored to the individual, we provide help and support to ensure that each of our SU have the tools needed to overcome their addiction and its related issues, so they can fulfil their potential and live positive futures.
Six of our support team have ‘lived experience’ of addiction and recovery with some having come through the Haven program. Staff are taken through a full range of additional appropriate training including Trauma Informed Care, CBT, Adult Protection, Working with Vulnerable Adults, ROSC and ACES.
Benefits of the programme include:
- Improvement of personal development while encouraging and promoting independence
- Development of life and employability skills as well as opportunity to retrain or gain new qualifications
- Service users are drug and alcohol free and increase their life expectancy
- Increased self-esteem, self-confidence and self-worth
- Restored family relationships – Families have son, husband, father back and relationships are stable
- Enhanced social development
- Supported physical, emotional and spiritual development
- Reduced likelihood of reoffending/relapsing

Contact details
- The Haven Kilmacolm, Horsecraigs, Kilmacolm, PA13 4TH
- 01505872099