Teen Challenge Strathclyde
Teen Challenge is a registered charity working within the Inverclyde area. It forms part of a global organisation and has been in operation since 1962. Teen Challenge Strathclyde was started 30 years ago.
The organisation is faith based, driven by Christian values and beliefs and adopts a holistic approach. The aim is to help the vulnerable and socially marginalised to overcome life controlling problems as they address mental, social, emotional, physical and spiritual issues.
The main focus of the work is within the Greenock and Port Glasgow community. A team of volunteers connect with people on the streets and direct them to the allocated recovery hub. Within the hub, people are offered one to one support we also run recovery meetings and sign post to appropriate Agencies, we are also a part of the Inverclyde recovery community and partnership with various different local agencies.
During 2023 workers at the recovery hub in Greenock sent 12 people away to rehabilitation services where they were given the opportunity and support to make life changes.
Port Glasgow hub focuses on hosting a weekly lunch club where they provide a much-needed nourishing meal for families in need and also present people with the opportunity of recovery and support people to make healthy lifestyle choices within the community.
Another important aspect of the work is supporting the family members of those trapped in addiction. A family liaison worker connects with family members and offers support to many who feel trapped in a hopeless situation.
Teen Challenge school worker has the opportunity to go into local schools giving individual talks and classroom presentation to help create better pathways for young people.

Contact details
- William Carter - Greenock team leader
- Tcs.wcarter@gmail.com
- 07392 444286
- New Dawn Book Shop, 10A Jamaica St, Greenock, PA15 1XX
- Tuesdays 10am to 12.30pm, Thursdays 6pm to 8pm
- Brian Gault - Port Glasgow team leader
- Jbgault60@gmail.com
- 0781515150
- Ambassador Hall, Oronsay Ave, Port Glasgow PA14 6EG
- Wednesdays 12.30pm to 2pm
- Anne Carter - Family liaison officer
- Tcs.acarter@gmail.com
- 07444779725