Inverclyde Faith in Throughcare
(IFiT) Inverclyde Faith in Throughcare supports some of the community’s most marginalised individuals start to make positive changes in their lives. We support participants to tackle the significant sense of loss, isolation and loneliness experienced when caught up in the revolving door of re-imprisonment or re-criminalisation, usually because they come from the most disadvantaged communities where levels of poverty have increased the likelihood of imprisonment.
Our staff and trained volunteers support participants to engage with many community groups, in line with their identified interests and future goals. Our aims for community involvement are about supporting participants to engage in the natural provision within the area – without us having to create separate provision that would defeat the purpose of integration. We work collectively as a group, and also on a one-to-one basis to promotes positive behaviour and self-esteem through involvement with these wider groups, but at the pace of the participant.
We support participants as they identify and shape opportunities and activities which will gradually build their resilience and help them to connect with the people and communities in which they are returning, to live in Inverclyde. We work to challenge stigma; increase people’s sense of self-esteem; support better mental health; keep people out of prison; promote confidence and self-worth; reduce isolation; give them aspirations for the future; support them to take small steps to reach their potential; and offer a range of diversionary alternatives.
Our aims are to support people in Inverclyde who are affected by, or at risk of becoming involved in the community/criminal justice system, including those transitioning from prison to community
Our objectives:
- To prevent and relieve poverty and other disadvantage
- To reduce loneliness and isolation
- To build resilience and promote better social and mental well-being

- I FIT, The Dutch Gable, 14 William St, Greenock, PA15 1BT, Scotland