Inverclyde Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service is part of Inverclyde Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) and includes staff from health, social work and social care.
The service provides a wide range of alcohol and drug treatment, recovery help and support to adults aged 18 years and over.
The service offers recovery focused treatment and support including:
- An initial assessment to identify specific recovery care planning and support with mental and physical health issues linked to substance use.
- A named worker who will support the individual’s care and treatment plan during their time with the service
- Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Standards
- Group based recovery support
- Options to accessing residential rehabilitation, service will support individuals to look at a range of rehabilitation services and their different approaches to alcohol and drug use to help choose the best place to meet their needs
- Alcohol support and treatment including alcohol detoxification and protective medication
- Drug support and treatment including assessment for same day opiate substitute therapy (OST)
- Harm Reduction advice and intervention
- Naloxone training and supply
- Blood borne virus testing and pathway to treatment
- Injecting equipment provision
- Assertive Outreach team including Non-fatal Overdose (NFOD) response and support to stay in treatment
- Signposting and pathways to a range of support and recovery network services